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Univariate Analysis

Data Summary and Histogram
summary(Y)# display data summary
stem(Y)# visualise the distribution with a stem-and-leaf plot
hist(Y)# visualise the distribution with histogram
rug(Y)# to show actual observations

boxplot(X, notch=F, horizontal=T, main="Boxplot Chart")# display the distribution as a Boxplot

Compare Histograms With Different Numbers of Observations
qqnorm(X, main="QQ plot vs Normal distribution", ylab = "X")# display normal QQ plot
qqline(X, col=3)# display QQ line

Display A Histogram With The Actual Counts
h <- hist(Y, breaks=seq(0, 1, by=0.1), plot=F)#1
plot(h, col=heat.colors(length(h$mids))[length(h$count) - rank(h$count) + 1], ylim=c(0, max(h$count) + 2), main="Title", sub="Counts shown above bar, actual values shown with rug plot")#3
text(h$mids, h$count, h$count, pos=3)#5: adds text to the plot at (x, y), pos=3 argument puts the text on top of the bar

Compute The Best Estimate of The Population Mean From A Sample
t.test(X, mu=20, conf.level =0.99)

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