NEWS in package ‘aod’
Changes in version 1.3
- Changes in the code for iccbin to reflect changes in package lme4.
- Function .First.lib (defunct) was removed.
- File DESCRIPTION was changed.
- File NAMESPACE was added (default setting).
Changes in version 1.2
- Function icc was removed and replaced with function iccbin, with
several computations methods for the intra-class correlation
coefficient in the case of binomial data.
- Help pages were changed accordingly.
Changes in version 1.1-35
- Corrects code in betabin and quasibin to avoid a note in package
Changes in version 1.1-34
- Corrects a bug in the shwo method for objects of class icc
(error in the computation of the F test).
- Improved description of the icc function (help page).
Changes in version 1.1-33
- Synchronise version of splitbin and its help page with version available
in package tdisplay
- Internal changes in function icc to reflect changes in splitbin.
Changes in version 1.1-32
- Corrected a bug in the print method for Wald test objects.
New feature
- df.residual method for objects of class glimQL, and corresponding
changes in the documentation.
Changes in version 1.1-29
- Corrected a bug in the predict method for objects of classe glimML and
glimQL, and its documentation.
Changes in version 1.1-27
- Alter the functions to compute AIC and AICc to avoid redefining standard
generic functions from the stats package, after a bug report on R-Help and
suggestions by P Dalgaard and M Maechler.
- Alter functions betabin and negbin to better manage the case when the Hessian
matrix is singular.
- Many invisible changes in documentation to comply with more stringent checks
during package installation and building.
Changes in version 1.1-24
- Maintenance change in the file dja.Rd to comply with new recommandations
as from 2.6.0.
Changes in version 1.1-23
- Maintenance change in the file DESCRIPTION to comply with new recommandations
as from 2.6.0.
Changes in version 1.1-22
- The cloglog link was missing for quasibin models (though it was
indicated in the documentation).
Changes in version 1.1-21
- Mismatches were fixed between arguments in the code and documentation
(predict methods for objects of classes glimML and glimPQL).
Changes in version 1.1-20
- Mismatches were fixed between arguments in the code and documentation
(residuals methods for objects of classes glimML and glimPQL).
Changes in version 1.1-19
- In negbin and betabin, the (default) maximum number of iterations was set
to 2000 in the call to optim. A new argument "control" was introduces in
the 2 functions and their help pages were amended.
- A bug was corrected in the residuals method for S4 objects of class glimML
(incorrect use of the extractor function "$" instead of "@").
Changes in version 1.1-18
- In negbin and betabin, display was switched to 4 digits in scientific notation.
- No warning was issued when convergence was not obtained after optim iterations.
A slot "msg" was added to fitted objects of class "glimML" to store the message
returned by optim.
- An error occurred when model was fitted with hessian = FALSE.
- Documentation was changed to reflect these modifications. Some messages released
by negbin and betabin were corrected.
Changes in version 1.1-14
- A bug occurred when the hessian matrix was singular (overpameterized model)
in models fitted with betabin or negbin. This was fixed. A new slot "singular.hessian"
was added to fitted objects of class "glimML".
- There was a bug in the coef method for objects of class glimML when at least
one of the explanatory variable was a factor had unused levels. To overcome
this problem, new slots "fixed.param" and "random.param" were added to fitted
objects of class "glimML".
- Documentation was changed to reflect these modifications.
Changes in version 1.1-13
- The help page for the package (?aod) was out of date.
Changes in version 1.1-12
- The package "boot" is now suggested to remove a warning during package installation.
Changes in version 1.1-11
- The display of wald.test()'s output was slightly changed.
Changes in version 1.1-10
- The code of the log-likelihood function was changed in betabin and negbin to avoid
warnings when a covariate was used to model the within-group correlation, and one of the
"random" coeffcient was set to 0 (warnings were related to the use of ifelse).
These warnings caused a very slow execution with R 2.3.0, probably because of some
changes in the functions handling warnings and errors (tryCatch, etc.).
Changes in version 1.1-9
- In function splitbin(), any variable of mode character is now transformed into a factor
before data processing.
- New help page describing the package.
Changes in version 1.1-8
- The number of observations was added as an attribute of the number
returned by "logLik".
- The corrected AIC (AICc) was added to the output of the function "AIC" and
included in the comparison statistics of the anova method for objects of
formal class "glimML".
- A new formal class "aic" was created, with a summary method to compute
Akaike difference and Akaike weights from a list of models to be compared.
- A control was added in "betabin" and "negbin" to check the presence of
lines with null weight (thanks to Jérémy Bouyer).
- The show method for objects of formal class "glimML" was slightly altered:
AICc was added to the output and a new presentation was adopted for log-
likelihood and related statistics.
- The documentation of functions "AIC", "anova" and "logLik" was revised to
reflect the changes in these functions.
Changes in version 1.1-4
- The name of the first model was always "object" in the anova method for
objects of formal class glimML.
- The slot "digits" was removed for objects of formal class anova.glimML.
Changes in version 1.1-3
- Minor revisions of help pages: spelling in different places and reference
change for fonction negbin.
Changes in version 1.1-2
- Minor revisions of help pages.
- A wrong title line was removed in the display of models of class "glimML".
Changes in version 1.1-1
- Revision of code and help in the S4 framework.
- Add packages "methods" and "stats" in the "Depends" field of the file
DESCRIPTION (thanks to Kurt Hornik).
- "logLik" and "AIC" methods for objects of formal class "glimML".
- New "summary" method for objects of class "glimML".
- New formal class "summary.glimML" to represent the summary of objects of
formal class "glimML".
- Fixed a lot of missing links and undocumented classes and objects, thanks
to Kurt Hornik.
Changes in version 1.0-2
- S4 generic functions are now explicitely defined.
- In anova.glimML(), arguments digits now works.
- Help pages for classes icc and varbin.
Changes in version 1.0-1
- Minor changes in documentation.