quantile.survfit {survival}R Documentation

Quantiles from a survfit object


Retrieve quantiles and confidence intervals for them from a survfit object.


## S3 method for class 'survfit'
quantile(x, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), conf.int = TRUE,



a result of the survfit function


numeric vector of probabilities with values in [0,1].


should lower and upper confidence limits be returned?


optional arguments for other methods


The kth quantile for a survival curve S(t) is the location at which a horizontal line at height 1-k intersects the plot of S(t). Since S(t) is a step function, it is possible for the curve to have a horizontal segment at exactly 1-k, in which case the midpoint of the horizontal segment is returned. This mirrors the standard behavior of the median when data is uncensored. If the survival curve does not fall to 1-k, then that quantile is undefined.

Confidence limits for the values are based on the intersection of the horizontal line at 1-k with the upper and lower limits for the survival curve. Hence confidence limits use the same p-value as was in effect when the curve was created, and will differ depending on the conf.type option of survfit. If the survival curves have no confidence bands, confidence limits for the quantiles are not available.


The quantiles will be a vector if the survfit object contains only a single curve, otherwise it will be a matrix or array. In this latter case the second dimension will index the quantiles.

If confidence limits are requested, then result will list with components quantile, lower, and upper, otherwise the vector or matrix of quantiles.


Terry Therneau

See Also

survfit, print.survfit, qsurvreg


fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ ph.ecog, data=lung)

[Package survival version 2.36-14 Index]