npext {urca}R Documentation

Nelson \& Plosser extended data set


This data set contains the fourteen U.S. economic time series used by Schotman \& Dijk. All series are transformed by taking logarithms except for the bond yield. The sample period ends in 1988.




A data frame containing fourteen series.

year Time index from 1860 until 1988.
realgnp Real GNP, [Billions of 1958 Dollars],
[1909 -- 1988]
nomgnp Nominal GNP,
[Millions of Current Dollars], [1909 -- 1988]
gnpperca Real Per Capita GNP,
[1958 Dollars], [1909 -- 1988]
indprod Industrial Production Index,
[1967 = 100], [1860 -- 1988]
employmt Total Employment,
[Thousands], [1890 -- 1988]
unemploy Total Unemployment Rate,
[Percent], [1890 -- 1988]
gnpdefl GNP Deflator,
[1958 = 100], [1889 -- 1988]
cpi Consumer Price Index,
[1967 = 100], [1860 -- 1988]
wages Nominal Wages
(Average annual earnings per full-time employee in manufacturing),
[current Dollars], [1900 -- 1988]
realwag Real Wages,
[Nominal wages/CPI], [1900 -- 1988]
M Money Stock (M2),
[Billions of Dollars, annual averages], [1889 -- 1988]
velocity Velocity of Money,
[1869 -- 1988]
interest Bond Yield (Basic Yields of 30-year corporate bonds),
[Percent per annum], [1900 -- 1988]
sp500 Stock Prices,
[Index; 1941 -- 43 = 100], [1871 -- 1988]


Bernhard Pfaff


Schotman, P.C. and van Dijk, H.K. (1991), On Bayesian Routes to Unit Roots, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 6, 387–401.

Koop, G. and Steel, M.F.J. (1994), A Decision-Theoretic Analysis of the Unit-Root Hypothesis using Mixtures of Elliptical Models, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 12, 95–107.


[Package urca version 1.2-7 Index]