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AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Models

Differencing Time Series
Y.ts <- ts(Y, frequency=12, start=c(2010,1))#1: store the data in a time series object
Y.diff1 <- diff(Y.ts, differences=1)#2: difference the time series once
Y.diff2 <- diff(Y.ts, differences=1)#3: difference the time series twice
par(mfrow = c(2,1))#4: 2x1 charts
plot(Y.diff1)#5: plot the differencing
plot(Y.diff2)#6: plot the differencing

X.ts <- ts(X, frequency=12, start=c(2010,1))#1: store the data in a time series object
X.diff <- diff(X.ts, differences=1)#2: assuming not stationary then we need differencing
par(mfrow = c(3,1))#3: 3x1 charts
acf(X.diff, lag.max=20)#4: correlogram for lags 1-20 to find q
pacf(X.diff, lag.max=20)#5: partial correlogram for lags 1-20 to find p
library("forecast")#6: load the "forecast" R package
#X.arima <- auto.arima(X)#7: find an appropriate ARIMA model
X.arima <- arima(X, order=c(1,1,3))#7: use ARIMA(p,d,q) where p=1,d=1,q=3
X.arima#8: display ARIMA model
X.forecasts <- forecast.Arima(X.arima, h=5)#9: forecast up to the next 5 period
plot.forecast(X.forecasts)#10: plot forecast

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